Doctor of Philosophy in Physics

Program Description

The PhD in Physics degree program at UT Dallas offers students the opportunity to be involved in forefront research in physics. Our graduates go on to work in industry, academia and government positions.

Our graduate program develops individual creativity and expertise in physics and is strongly focused on research. Students are encouraged to participate in ongoing research activities from the beginning of their graduate studies. The research experience culminates with the doctoral dissertation, the essential element of the PhD program that prepares the student for careers in academia, government laboratories or industry.

Career Opportunities

Graduates of the program seek positions such as: researcher, physicist, professor and various positions in academia, government and industry.

The?NSM Career Success Center?is an important resource for students pursuing STEM and healthcare careers. Career professionals are available to provide strategies for mastering job interviews, writing professional cover letters and resumes and connecting with campus recruiters, among other services.

Marketable Skills

Review the marketable skills for this academic program.

Application Requirements

Degree requirements: The Graduate Physics Program seeks students who have a BS degree in Physics or closely related subjects from a university or college, and who have superior skills in quantitative and deductive analysis. Applicants should have an undergraduate background that includes classical mechanics, electromagnetism, thermodynamics & statistical mechanics, quantum mechanics, and advanced math.

Test score required: Yes, the GRE General Test is required.

A score from the GRE General Test (verbal and quantitative) is required. The GRE Subject Test in Physics is optional. Decisions on admission are made on an individual basis. However, as a guide, a combined score on the verbal and quantitative parts of the GRE General Test of 308, with at least 155 on the quantitative part, is advisable based on experience with student success in the program.

Deadlines:?Please take note Physics Graduate Program application deadline which is extended from the university application deadlines and visit the Apply Now webpage to begin the application process. See the Department of Physics graduate programs website for additional information.

Catalog Page

Contact Information

Department of Physics

School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
The University of Texas at Dallas
800 W Campbell Rd
Richardson, TX 75080-3021

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